In the Southern part of India, Pattu Pavadai or langavoni is considered the only traditional outfit that distinguishes a girl before her marriage. This outfit is one of the favorite dresses for girl kids and all the other ages of fashionable girls. This outfit distinguishes single girls from married ones. Pattu Pavadai consists of two pieces, a top, and a skirt, usually in two different colors. Normally it is available in the silk stuff and helps to elevate and indicate the look of ladies in south India.

There are different names of Pattu Pavadai in all the southern states of India. In Karnataka, it’s called Langa Davani and in Tamil Nadu, it’s known as Pattu Pavadani while in Andhra Pradesh it is referred to as Langavoni.
- Origin and History
The outside culture has had little or no influence on the Dravidian Culture since its inception. So, anyone can date back the origin of Pattu Pavadai to the Dravidian custom and traditions. Dravidian culture is not influenced by outside cultures at all. The tradition of Pattu Pavadai was introduced right after the origin of silk and saris. Pattu Pavadai is quite similar to saris.
Ø Style & Attire
Pattu Pavadai has caused a rich cultural tradition in South India with its bright colors. Its contrasting border is the uniqueness of this attire. This outfit is available in an amazing combination of colors, while the borders are varied and designed interestingly to give a unique look.
The various geometric and other designs found in the surrounding areas have influenced these designs. With the advanced coloring innovation, the tones and style in this clothing have made a gigantic contrast in this dress.
Ø Influence over the Years
In the initial days, the Langadavani or Pattu Pavadai was considered just a simple silk outfit that used to look conventional, brilliant, and rich. This was surely a marvel to wear. But now with the impact of different traditions, there have been some minor unique contrasts seen in this traditional dress for women. In certain areas, the Pavadai has mirror and dot work to represent the traditions of these areas.
Ø Innovations
When a girl gets married she stops wearing this outfit. According to the age-old traditions, an event is organized for a girl when she gets into her teenage phase. In the first phase of this event, the girl is given PattuPavadai to wear while in the second phase she is given a sari, but this modern world has diminished this tradition. In this modern age, many colors are seen in this costume.
Ø Global Influence
Southern areas of India have faced a lot of global influence. That is why; this outfit is still liked even in this modern age. Many parents love to buy this costume for their kids on the occasion of a marriage ceremony or any other special event to make their kids look different. But now this dress is largely replaced by other modern types of dresses or Salwar suits.
Shop amazing kids PattuPavadai dresses at TuTu Angel!